Reading Time: < 1 min
With the support of Microsoft, we are opening up our time and experience to those who want to understand Deep Learning and Data Science using the Azure service. Our best data scientists are available on our private group to answer…
Reading Time: 2 mins
The idea that Deep Learning is directly associated with Big Data (not only correlation – we’re talking about full blown implication) is present in courses, lectures, articles everywhere you look… and that is unfortunate. Theory doesn’t always agree with practice,…
Reading Time: < 1 min
The motivational use-case: signal prediction in trading Back in 2014 I was leading a project, for a client, that had the “simple” purpose of automated trading for stock exchange. The project was quite focused in scope and was, in fact,…
Reading Time: 2 mins
Today, more and more, it is necessary that most applications and documents developed in previous or current technologies to be accessible online on cloud-based infrastructures. That’s why the migration of legacy systems including their hosts of documents to new technologies…
Reading Time: 2 mins
Product recommender systems and customer profiling techniques have always been a priority in online retail. Recent machine learning research advances and also wide availability of massive parallel numerical computing has enabled various approaches and directions of recommender systems advancement. Worth…
Reading Time: < 1 min
Customer churn is an essential retail metric used in business predictive analytics systems to quantify the number of customers who left a company. All retail and business to consumer companies carefully analyze customer behavior to prevent them to cease their…
Reading Time: 3 mins
Yesterday I was asked “What makes a great Data Scientist?” so I gave a few short quick-fire answers trying to replace “great” with “good” in the question:“Knowing when it is ok to apply a tree-based boosting machine to a regression…