Reading Time: 2 mins
Product recommender systems and customer profiling techniques have always been a priority in online retail. Recent machine learning research advances and also wide availability of massive parallel numerical computing has enabled various approaches and directions of recommender systems advancement. Worth…
Reading Time: < 1 min
Customer churn is an essential retail metric used in business predictive analytics systems to quantify the number of customers who left a company. All retail and business to consumer companies carefully analyze customer behavior to prevent them to cease their…
Reading Time: < 1 min
Predictive analytics systems are currently one of the most important areas of research and development within the Artificial Intelligence domain and particularly in Machine Learning. One of the “holy grails” of predictive analytics is the research and development of the…
Reading Time: < 1 min
The need for systems capable of conducting inferential analysis and predictive analytics is ubiquitous in a global information society. With the recent advances in the areas of predictive machine learning models and massive parallel computing a new set of resources…
Reading Time: < 1 min
On-demand computing, Software-as-a-Service, Platform-as-a-Service, and in general Cloud Computing is currently the main approach by which both academic and commercial domains are delivering systems and content. Nevertheless there still remains a huge segment of legacy systems and application ranging from…